
林志颖晒客厅凌乱照 甜蜜抱怨儿子破坏力超强

http://www.jingcsb.com/ 来源:京财时报 发布时间:2018-08-16 18:15:14

原标题:林志颖晒客厅凌乱照 甜蜜抱怨儿子破坏力超强

为了帮助大家学习英语,新东方在线小编特为大家准备了林志颖晒客厅凌乱照 “抱怨”三个男生破坏力强(双语),多多阅读对于提高英语水平是至关重要的


On the evening of August 15th, Lin Zhiying used a social account to expose the messy photos of the room and exposed the daily life of the three sons. The article said: "The destructive power of the three boys is to play the toys of the house every day, and the sofa pillows are piled up in the castle. A mess is only a break."


In the photo, a son squats on the sofa, opens his mouth and laughs happily. The sofa cushions are piled up on the floor in a messy way. There is no place to settle. Look carefully, a pair of chubby legs are exposed under the sofa cushion, which is very interesting.

网友看到此微博后,纷纷围观并留言称:“ 好调皮的三宝,但是又感觉好幸福的样子!”“尽管这样你也是开心快乐的。”“男孩子们活力满满当当。”

After seeing this Weibo, netizens watched and commented: "Good naughty three treasures, but feel good and happy!" "Although you are happy and happy." "The boys are full of vitality."

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